What is your current obsession? twitter. i can't stop updating.
What is your weirdest obsession? vampires, lord of the rings, and harry potter probably. and the fact that my nails always have to be painted.
What are you wearing today? ripped skinny jeans and a brown and white striped Michael Stars tank
Why is today special? it's sunday and amazingly beautiful and warm outside, and yet I'm stuck in my dorm writing a paper...
What would you like to learn to do? i'd love to learn how to fence.
What’s for dinner today? well i already had dinner about eight hours ago... i had pasta.
What’s the last thing you bought? a royal blue Lux deep v-neck tee, a really comfy paper-thin white tee from J Crew, and a short blue zippered Charlotte Russe dress
What are you listening to right now? the sound of silence... it's 2:30 in the morning and my roommate is sleeping. i probably should be too.
What is your favorite weather? sunny, summer weather. like... good weather for the beach but not so unbearably hot i feel like i'm going to melt.
What is on your bedside table? my cell phone, ipod, nail polish, a water bottle, some candy, lotion, and random junk.
What is your most challenging goal right now? finishing this damn paper on psychoanalytic literary criticism of Frankenstein which is due Tueday ugh
What do you think about the person who tagged you? i technically wasn't tagged... i snagged this from http://www.mybarestyle.com
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? probably chicago. or NYC. although boston would be great too.
Favorite vacation spot? Bermuda was gorgeous.
What would you like to have in your hands right now? money, i suppose, since i'm nearly broke. or perhaps a finished paper so i don't have to write it. or a plane ticket to visit the person of my choice.
What would you like to get rid of? violence. acne. petty college drama. aging.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? to visit a person.
Which language do you want to learn? well, i'm currently learning french, but it would be nice to suddenly find myself fluent...
Who do you want to meet in person? the list is endless, really... there are all sorts of people i'd love to meet. i suppose at the moment i'd love to meet rob pattison haha
One thing that you would snitch out of someone’s closet, with no regrets? all of Alexa Chung's cute ankle boots/booties. Or Rachel Bilson's dresses.
What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? This is a toughie... currently I suppose my leather bomber jacket. Or the black ankle boots with the wooden heels I've worn to death. Or maybe my fringed halter top.
What is your dream job? either a literary agent, a editor for a fashion magazine, or a best-selling novelist haha